Friday, 6 September 2013

Call for Cam-fiction

Science-fiction lovers: expert or novice, welcome!

Whether you have come here on purpose or by mistake, curious, critical, interested or distracted: it is a pleasure to have you here. This blog is about that amazing genre which allows this tiny escape window in our lives to explore new worlds and realities.

This blog is really easy to use. Start with the basics: if you are new to science fiction, or unsure if you know something about it, see on the left side-bar a few examples of my personal favourites. Do you know some of them? If not, it will give you an idea of where to start.

If you are an enthusiast or expert on the matter, do tell me what you think: give me some comments. Do you share my appreciation of these masterpieces? Are you more of a sci-fi books or films fan? Do you think you can challenge my number 1s?

Whatever you do, keep your imaginary active.
Yours faithfully,



  1. Replies
    1. Dear Cam-fictionist, Dune is yet to come in my list of favourites, maybe I will reconsider and follow your suggestion. Yours faithfully, Cam

  2. Nice list. Have you read the book Never Let me Go? Do you rate the movie version of Clockwork Orange?

    1. Thank you Si Ncz. Unfortunately, I have not had that opportunity, yet. As my lists only include the top 5, I have to say that the Clockwork Orange film would come in position number 6, closely after The Island. I hope to be able to review it soon. Yours faithfully, Cam
